With the development of the NRRT proving very successful, how can Kyogle take advantage of this amazing asset. I see 2 opportunities that Kyogle could link to it. 1. Walking Trail from Bentley to Kyogle via Mackellar Range and Red Mt and linking into the proposed Fairy Mt Walking Trail (that is to begin development this September). Total distance is 33km from the Rail Trail at Bentley to Kyogle. So with a Camp area half way this would make it a perfect 2day walk. Pretty sure there is current Fire trails through this area. Funding to upgrade these trails for fire management maybe an option for extra funding. I can email anyone interested of this proposed route. 2. Cycling trail to link from Bently to Kyogle via Bungabee Forest, Back Creek Rd and Hillyards Rd. The challenge is how to avoid riding on the Lismore Kyogle Rd. From Bently there are Forestry trails through Bungabee Forest to connect to Back Creek Rd. Currently closed, but communication with Forestry NSW may offer possibilities. There is a 2km section on the Lismore/Kyogle Rd to connect to Hillyards Rd. This is probably the biggest challenge. Options to make this safe would be widening the road to include a Bike Lane and also signage to reduce speed at this section to 80km/hr with signage saying “Cyclists Share the Road”. From Hillyards Rd there are 2 options to get back to Kyogle on quiet roads. One via Omagh Rd. The other option thinking of possibilities is via Grass Tree Rd. From memory I thought this was once connected from Merrigans Rd. This is through private property, and would need consultation with landowners to make this happen. If it was possible to connect with the Kyoge Mt Bike trails and walking trails of Fairy Mt this would be fantastic.
Both these options tick the boxes of providing Nature Connection, so much needed in our communities these days. Investing in opportunities for all ages to get out in nature ticks all the boxes for Physical, Mental and Social well being. Getting kids off screen time would be
every parent’s dream. Obesity and other health issues are all linked to lack of exercise. In addition to these benefits there would be a huge economic benefit of attracting tourist dollars to Kyogle. Once the NRRT is completed from Murwillumbah to Casino, Kyogle needs to take advantage of these nature connected tourists.
To make these suggestions happen would need community Support, Govt Funding and consultation with Forestry Land and private landowners.
Offers to Private landowners from Council could include opportunities to Subdivide for monetary benefit.